Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

It was a very hot and humid weekend for Jeff's first Father's Day. We spent Saturday afternoon at our neighborhood pool. It's been so hot lately that the water was really warm, just barely refreshing! Saturday evening we went to a small music festival at a blackberry farm in our area.
Sunday we spent the day at home. Max is crawling and climbing all over everything and is now on a mission to climb the stairs. I wouldn't necessarily call time at home "relaxing," but it was wonderful to spend quality time with just the three of us. Max is lucky to have such a great daddy! I know it's hard to read, but Max's shirt says,"My Dad Rocks!"
The perfect ending to a perfect weekend.

1 comment:

Nana said...

I love the many faces of Max! He is definitely a baby Banta. We are glad you had a great weekend. Love to you all.