Sunday, June 14, 2009

Water Baby

Jeff, Max and I headed to our neighborhood pool for the first time this weekend. Max loves bathtime, so we were pretty sure he would enjoy the pool. We were right! He liked splashing around in the baby pool, but he really loved floating with us in the big pool. He was in the water the entire time and could have happily stayed in much longer.
Thanks to the generosity of my parents (and their fear that I might stop taking pictures of Max) I have a new camera! It is 12.1 MP and takes awesome pictures. Stay tuned for new and improved pictures of Baby Max!

1 comment:

Nana said...

I love the before and after face in the stroller. It must have been a fabulous experience for all of you. I am sure he was the cutest one in the pool (sorry, Jeff). Have fun!