Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Making Memories

We returned on Sunday from our nearly two week trip to Ohio. We had a wonderful time and got to visit with all of our families. Daniel, Michael and Rana were even in Cincinnati which was a fun, rare occurrence! Max also got to spend some quality time with his cousin Chloe. Chloe turns three this month and she is the perfect combination of silly and sweet. We can't wait for the arrival of Chloe's little brother or sister in September. Unfortunately, my camera is acting weird again, so I didn't get to take many pictures. Luckily, I was able to upload a few from my mom's camera. Here are some highlights...
Happy hands!
Max was mesmerized by Nana's washing machine.
Rocking in Nana's chair.
Thankfully he never attempted to climb these stairs!
Happy hour Drake style.
Going for a ride.
(Don't worry, we didn't let Max drink and drive.)
Reading with Nana.
Happy birthday, Aunt Liz!Jeff and Chloe
Checking out Uncle Neil's beard.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Thanks for sharing! I hope folks don't get the wrong idea about us Drakes!