Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Nashville House

Last Thursday Jeff drove down to Nashville to attend the closing on our house. The house is actually in a small town just south of Nashville called Franklin. Franklin is an old country town and has a great town center with cute little locally owned shops and restaurants (and churches on every corner!). Franklin has a mixture of subdivisions, farmland and grand estates (several celebrities including Nicole Kidman and Carrie Underwood have homes in Franklin). We are excited to live in such a quaint yet vibrant area.
We are also looking forward to living in the beautiful house that we bought. We liked it right away when we saw it. It has everything we were looking for- 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, a big yard for Maggie and Max, an attached garage and it doesn't need any work! It's the perfect house for our little family. The couple that we bought the house from recently updated the kitchen complete with quartz counter tops and stainless appliances. Eventually we will personalize with our own paint colors and possibly update the bathrooms, but for now it is ready to move into with no work on our part.
The house is in a great neighborhood called Cottonwood Estates. All of the homes are roughly 30 years old and there are lots of mature trees. Each property has a grassy area in the back in addition to a back yard called the common ground. This common ground can be used by any
resident and is maintained by the neighborhood association. It makes the lots seem much bigger and is a great area for parties or ballgames. It's also nice not to have neighbors right behind our property. At the back of the subdivision is a pool, clubhouse, playground and tennis courts. Cottonwood seems like a wonderful, family friendly community. I am looking forward to meeting new neighbors on walks with Maggie and Max.
We don't have a specific move date, but it will be sometime in the last week of September. Jeff is scheduled to start with Messer's Nashville office on Oct. 1. He doesn't know yet what project he will be on. Lots of new adventures are headed our way!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

It's adorable Mary Ruth! Sounds like a great place for Max to grow up!