Friday, September 19, 2008


This past Sunday, September 14 Max was baptized at The Church of the Redeemer. It was a momentous occasion made even more special by the fact that both of our entire immediate families were at the ceremony. Neil and Liz are Max's godparents. Michael and Daniel flew in for the weekend and finally got to meet Max. It was so fun to see my younger brothers bonding with my son! Joanie and John were also in town from Vashon, Washington. It was one big happy family celebration!
Unfortunately, Ike hit just as our celebration was ending, which made travel nearly impossible for everyone who came in from out of town. Michael ended up getting grounded in Cincinnati, so he had to spend the night with us, in the dark. Even though it was a stressful situation, I loved the extra time to hang out with my brother! Our power was only out for about 16 hours or so. We were very fortunate because many others went days without power. Jeff and I quickly learned how to create just the right lighting using candles and a flashlight in order to change a dirty diaper!
It was a memorable weekend!

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