Tuesday, August 26, 2008

One Month Old

Today is Max's one month birthday! He has slowly outgrown his preemie clothes and even his preemie diapers. He goes for his one month check up tomorrow and we are hoping he breaks the six pound mark. We have been going to a lactation consultant every week to make sure that he is eating well and gaining at least an ounce a day. Right now Max gets a supplement in addition to breastfeeding at every "meal". It's been exhausting work for me, but well worth the results. He's been gaining 8-9 oz a week and I'm really hoping this week the LC will set us free on our own.
I took these pictures today while he was helping me fold laundry. Apparently he thinks folding laundry is as boring as I do!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Oh wow! You really captured some precious moments today. Thanks for sharing! Nana