Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Max is 3!

Max turned the big 3 yesterday. His one request was a Finding Nemo cake which he got to share with friends at the pool. Once Jeff got home the present opening began along with another round of cake and ice cream. He had a fun day and now loves to tell people that he is "free!"

Ready for cake at the pool!
 Frosting mustache
 Opening a special package from Grammy and Grampy.
 Taking a closer look at his I Spy puzzle.
 Make a wish!
 Thoroughly enjoying himself!
 More presents!
A new race car to add to his massive collection.
 Trying out his new baseball bat.
 Batting practice
 *It's hard to read in the picture but Max's shirt says Made in Ohio. So cute! Thanks Neil and Liz!

 Max's big present was a play kitchen/market.
We put it together after he went to bed so he got to try it out for the first time this morning. 
  This is what he cooked up for me.
 Breakfast of champions!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Thanks for your wonderful sharing! I love the new kitchen.