Wednesday, July 6, 2011

4th of July

It was another fun filled, action packed Independence Day in Cottonwood. Jeff kicked off the day at 7am with the neighborhood 5k run. Max and I cheered him on....from our front our pajamas. Then it was on to the parade. We got to watch from a friend's house. Max knew before the parade began that a fire engine was going to be in the parade so he was on high alert for any sound that might be a siren. The fire dept. did not disappoint this little guy! A fire engine AND a brush rig?! Little boy heaven. He was so excited he literally couldn't speak... or move when they drove by.

Enjoying a pre-parade donut
 Max heard sirens way down the street and knew what was coming.
 Very seriously waiting.
 "Fire Engine!"

 Giving a timid wave after much prompting.

 When finally he came out of his fire engine induced trance he was able to enjoy the rest of the parade, including lots of candy and beads.
 After the parade we headed to the pool for an afternoon of swimming with friends and (what seemed like) 1,000 of our neighbors. Max has been very eager to try out his new swimming skills. In fact, it was a big day of firsts for him. He went down the water slide and jumped off the diving board!! Both in daddy's arms, but it was still a big deal in Max's world!

Maybe next year we won't be too tired to make it to the fireworks.... maybe.

My mom was also in town last week. Here is a picture of Nana and Max at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. Max is doing his classic not looking at the camera move.

Can't wait to have Nana and Papa in town again this weekend!

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