Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Choo Choo! Max is two!

Max turned two yesterday. Two! Everyone told us how fast time goes with children and it so true. He is growing up so fast, too fast! We celebrated his birthday with a party on Saturday night with some good friends. Since Max is into anything that moves we had a train themed party. Jeff and I got him a train set and he got lots of great cars, trucks, boats and balls from friends. He is a happy two year old! Here are a few pictures from the party and his birthday.
Blowing out candles.
The cake
Opening gifts with a little help from his friends.
Pinata time!
(non-violent toddler version)
The loot
On Monday, his actual birthday, Jeff and I gave Max his new tricycle and helmet. It was storming so we had to do it in the playroom.
He can't quite work the peddles, but he loves his bike!
Checking out the trunk.
I think he likes it.
Train cake aftermath.

1 comment:

Nana said...

So Sweet! Thanks for sharing. Another big day for everyone.