Monday, July 19, 2010

Chattanooga Trip

My parents came down to Tennessee this weekend and we spent two days in Chattanooga. I'd never been, but had heard lots of great things about it. Chattanooga is a small city, but well planned out with lots of activities and sights to see all within walking distance of the downtown and waterfront area. We'd definitely like to go back again, maybe in the spring or fall when it is not so hot!
Max with Nana and Pa on the very hot walk over the pedestrian bridge to Coolidge Park.
Max is apparently doing his best chubby kid impression.
Riding the carousel in Coolidge Park. Max was terrified of riding any of the moving animals so we had to sit. He started to enjoy himself about the time the ride ended. Playing in the water at Coolidge Park.
After dinner we took in the sights along the waterfront.
On our second day we went to the Tennesse Aquarium. Our first stop was the stingray petting pool. Max loved this exhibit and could have been entertained for hours there. I don't think he actually touched any stingrays, but he sure tried!
Standing in front of the huge aquarium.
Checking out the jellyfish.
Under the sea with giant crabs and starfish.
Max eyeing a big fish and vice versa.

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