Saturday, March 13, 2010

A New 'Do

I took Max to get his first haircut this morning. He still doesn't have much hair, but what he did have was starting to look a little scraggly and mulletesque. We arrived a few minutes before our appointment, so I took a few quick "before" shots in the car.
One last look at the baby curls! Max sat in a big chair all by himself!
Watching a movie while getting a haircut? This is fun!
The new' do. Isn't he handsome?
Yay! He still has some curls!
Max had another first this week- a tea party. We had a play date with two little girls at a neighbor's house on Thursday. The girls are a few months younger than Max and they all played so well together.
Having tea with Lola and Katherine (not in the picture).
Moments after these sweet pictures were taken, Max threw everything off the table onto the floor and climbed on top of the table. I guess we need to work on our tea party manners.

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