Monday, February 22, 2010

A Taste of Spring

Spring gave us a welcomed tease this weekend with sunny skies and temps around 60. We took a walk to the neighborhood playground and played in the backyard. It was so wonderful not bundling up in winter coats. Temperatures are back in the 40s now, but we loved the break! After taking pictures all weekend, I realized that there was a smudge on the lens, so most of the pictures have a blurry spot.
Max doing his favorite playground activity.
He goes down the slide by himself now!
Tossing the ball for Maggie.
Taking a little breather.
***Although it looks like it, our grass is not dead. It is a type of grass that goes dormant in the winter and turns a very ugly shade of yellow. It is not at all attractive, but most people have this type of grass in our area because it is drought resistant. Can you tell how much I like it?

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