Saturday, January 30, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Well, I usually make fun of the "snow" we get here in Nashville, but a real winter storm hit us on Friday. In our area we have about 4-5 inches of snow under a very thick layer of ice. The roads are quite bad and pretty much everything around us is shut down. I was feeling more than a little stir crazy, so we all bundled up and headed outside for a walk this morning. Max is still not feeling great and since he isn't a big fan of the snow, we let him ride in the wagon. He loved the walk. Fresh air and a change of scenery were good for all of us!
Our house
Our street
The roads are solid ice and have not been treated. It will be a couple of days before they improve!
Ready for a walk! Enjoying the ride.
Jeff, Max and Maggie leading the way.

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