Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

It was a fantastic holiday season at our house. We stayed in Nashville for Christmas and hosted Jeff's parents for a few days and my parents and Daniel for a few days. It was wonderful celebrating Christmas in our house and having our families with us. Max did not fully grasp what was happening, but he had a fun time opening presents and playing with his new toys. He got so many presents that he got a little overwhelmed and we had to spread out the unwrapping of gifts over several days. It was actually really fun to drag out the gift process and I'm sure it won't be like this in years to come. On January 30, we all packed into my parents minivan and headed to New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl. It was a huge game for the Bearcats and none of us wanted to miss it! Michael and Rana also met us there. We had some great New Orleans experiences including a decadent brunch at Brennan's (complete with banana's foster) and ringing in the New Year on Jackson Square. My only regret is that I didn't make it to Cafe Du Monde for beignets and cafe au lait. I guess that means I have to go back!
Here are a few of the 200+ pictures I took over the holidays.....
Getting ready for Santa on Christmas Eve!

Max was very interested in Santa's cookies...

...and didn't like that he couldn't eat them. Notice the tiny nibbles out of each cookie
Santa brought crayons!
Max's first drawing
Daddy and Max in Christmas sweaters.
Opening more presents!
A book from Grammy and Grampy.
Max with Jeff's parents
And more presents!
This time play food from Nana and Papa.
Playing with a puzzle.
Jackson Square, New Orleans
St. Louis Cathedral
Listening to jazz on the streets.
French Quarter
We all had dinner together on New Year's Eve at a great restaurant in the Garden District. Michael and Rana
Daniel and Dad
Jeff and Me
Papa, Nana and Max (with the ipod, which was a savior!)
Dad, Daniel and Michael at the Sugar Bowl
This picture was taken before the game when there was still something to smile about. We still love our Bearcats!

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