Monday, August 3, 2009

Family Vacation

View from our beach house.
Folly Beach, Charleston, South Carolina
Last week we had the pleasure of vacationing with my parents, brothers, and Rana at a beautiful oceanfront house in Charleston, South Carolina. It doesn't happen very often that all of us can be together at the same time, so it was a fun time. During the trip Max turned 1 and Jeff and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. Max loved spending time with Nana and Papa and his aunt and uncles. Jeff and I loved having babysitters so we could enjoy a night out and time on the beach!
Checking out the beach upon arrival.
Max wasn't too sure what to think about the ocean at first. The Birthday Boy! Day 2 of our trip. July 26, 2009 Max is soooo big!
Max got tired of playing "So Big" and started sticking his fingers in his ears instead.
Playing with Uncle Daniel
Time for Cake!
Max on the beach.
One of my favorite pictures!
Max had to be slowly introduced to the water.
Step 1: Daddy stomps in the water.
Step 2: Max stomps in the water.
Step 3: Max splashes in the water alone. Success!
Max quickly lost all fear of the ocean and wanted to play in it for hours.
Jeff and Michael flying a kite.
Fun for approximately 3 minutes.
Daniel hanging out at the beach.
Opening birthday presents.
Max opened gifts on a separate night from his actual birthday so that Michael and Rana could be there.
Our three year anniversary.
Max is so happy for us.
Another day at the beach.
Max played really hard in the sand and water!
Last day at the beach.
Bye bye beach!
Heading out to dinner one last time.
Jeff and Max on the streets of Charleston.
We ate dinner at a great oyster bar called Pearlz.
The boys loved the raw oysters. I loved the martinis!
Daniel, Michael and Me
The Drake Girls
Rana, Mom and Me
Max with Nana and Papa
Ice cream buddies
Time to go home.
We loved Charleston and will hopefully go back. Beautiful beaches, a fun
city and, of course, family make for a perfect vacation!

1 comment:

Nana said...

What a great pictorial review of a wonderful week! Thanks for sharing. xxoo