Monday, July 20, 2009

An Early Birthday Treat

Jeff's parents visited us this weekend and we celebrated Max's 1st birthday with them. Max loved spending time with Grammy and Grampy and having a fresh audience for all of his new tricks. Here are some pictures from their visit and Max's first cupcake....
Opening birthday gifts.
Building with Grampy
"What are you people doing?"
Max loves looking at his hands, especially when covered in frosting!
Max does not love cleaning up.
Checking out his new wheels.
On Sunday we visited the Frist Art Center. It is in a beautiful art deco building, built in the 1930s by Messer . The building was originally Nashville's main post office. Jeff and I had been wanting to see the inside of it, so it was great to finally have the opportunity to go.
Max behaved wonderfully in the museum for about 20 minutes, and then he discovered that if he made really loud noises, it created a fabulous echo.

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