Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

We celebrated our first 4th of July in Cottonwood. Independence Day is a big deal in our neighborhood. Events start at 7am with a 5k run (Max and I watched from our front porch!)and go until the 9pm fireworks. As Max gets older I'm sure he'll want to be part of all the festivities, but this year, we were mostly observers.
Waiting for the parade to start.Watching the parade go by.

Swinging at the playground.

This is Max's "innocent" face.
This is how Maggie spent most of July 4th.

1 comment:

Gr.Aunt Judy said...

Max and M.R. are most photogenic! The great day must have been noisy and fun with Maggie staying in. I bet next year there will be a Banta wagon with a great theme decor. What fun to watch this beautiful family. Max will probably audition for any baby commercial with ease as he has spent neat face time with a camera. Thanks for this special treat, Judy