Thursday, March 26, 2009

Eight Months Old

Max is 8 months old today. This past month has gone by so quickly. Max is now sitting up well on his own. He is also rolling around all over the place and getting ready to crawl. He can get his bottom up in the air and he rocks back and forth, but hasn't made any forward movement yet. He usually ends up scooting backwards. His bottom two teeth have finally broken through the gum line. He is still a drool monster and chews on everything, but at least he's not as crabby! Max is also a really good eater. He loves his solid food meals. He'll eat pretty much everything we give him, even yucky green beans! He is still on pureed foods, but is almost ready for some finger foods. In general, Max is a very laid back, easily entertained baby. Jeff and I love making him laugh and will do just about anything to hear it. Max loves tickles and kisses, so he is very fun to cuddle with!
Here are some more pictures from our jammie photo shoot.


Michael said...

it is so great to see max getting bigger and clearly developing a personality. we can't wait to see him again!

Nana said...

What a sweetie! I love those jammies.

Gr.Aunt Judy said...

Max, You keep talking with those sweet smiles and happy eyes. Keep watching for the Nashville Bunny. Love Gr.Aunt Judy

Gr.Aunt Judy said...
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