Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We love March!

For as long as I can remember I have always disliked the month of March. It always seems to be such a long month and as a teacher it felt like Spring Break would never arrive. This year is different though! So far March has been full of adventures and today's 80 degree weather has made me change my attidute (even if it's supposed to be rainy and 50 degrees tomorrow). This past weekend Jeff parents came down for a visit. Max enjoyed spending time with them and Maggie enjoyed the company of their new dog, Inga. We had nice weather so we got to eat lunch outside and took the dogs to run and play in a field near our house. Maggie even took a swim in the river (very small river) that runs around our neighborhood. We look forward to seeing them again in May when they come down on their way to Hilton Head.Sunday night I decided to break out Max's highchair. He has never really loved his Bumbo seat, and it was a struggle, at times, to feed him in it. He seems to like the highchair. I love how tiny he looks sitting in it!

This is really the only way to test out a new product.

Max, Maggie and I took advantage of today's wonderful weather with a long walk in the neighborhood. Maggie and Max love walks. Max recently discovered his feet and as you can see, Max LOVES his feet.


Nana said...

I love the hat, the chair, and the legs!

Gr.Aunt Judy said...

Hi Max, I love seeing you so happy. This is a great blog. You truely are the cutest leprachaun! Has your mom decided to serve prunes lately? Love you lots,Gr.Aunt Judy