Monday, February 2, 2009


Max finally learned to roll from his back to his tummy this weekend. Now he is obsessed with trying out his new skill. As soon as he is on his back, he quickly flips over to his belly, especially when placed in his crib. The only problem is that he hates being on his stomach and he seems to have completely forgotten how to roll onto his back. This has made naps and bedtimes an unpleasant situation for all those involved!

I'm amazed at how much Max has learned in the first six months of his life. In the past month he has changed so quickly. I took him to his 6 month check-up last week. I was sad to learn that he fell off the growth chart in weight (13 lbs 10 oz) and is only in the 3rd percentile for length (24.75 inches). The bright spot- his round noggin is in the 20th percentile! The doctor was not too concerned since his body is well proportioned and he is reaching developmental milestones appropriately. I'm hoping that adding in solid foods will help him gain a little faster.

1 comment:

Nana said...

He looks like a little gymnast! And we love that 20th %tile noggin.