Thursday, February 26, 2009

Seven Months Old

Max is seven months old today. This is so hard for me to believe! He is working hard at sitting up on his own. He is so close, but not quite there. He smiles a lot and gives big belly laughs when we tickle him. He is also cutting his two front bottom teeth. He is a bit fussier than normal and will chew on anything. He has seemed pretty uncomfortable today, but I managed to get some smiles out of him for these pictures.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A week in Zanesville

Max has had his first trip on an airplane! Max and I flew to Columbus to spend a week in Zanesville with my parents. I was pretty anxious about how the flights would got, but Max did so well and slept through both flights. He is such an easy going child and a great traveler.
We had a wonderful visit. I got my cravings for Tom's, Adornetto's, and Mom's cooking fulfilled. Daniel flew in town for the weekend and we got to celebrate my grandma's 90th birthday with her. Max spent lots of quality time with Nana and Papa and showed off his many talents (and bodily functions!). He especially liked bathtime and having Papa feed him dinner.
A week was a long time for us to be away from Jeff, but we Skyped almost everyday. Max started giggling as soon as Jeff picked him up at the airport. He missed his daddy!

Max loved Papa playing airplane with his dinner!

Splish Splash!

First trip to Tom's Ice Cream Bowl

Visiting Papa at work.

Four Generations of Drakes

Saying good-bye at the airport.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yum, prunes....

Little Max had his first taste of fruit today. Unfortunately it had to be prunes. Since starting rice cereal, Max has been experiencing a little tummy trouble. So, on the advice of my mom and the pediatrician, Max got some prunes today in order to hopefully give him some relief. Max is such a good baby! Even though he obviously was not impressed with what I was making him eat, he kept opening his mouth for more. What a trouper! The pictures speak for themselves.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Max finally learned to roll from his back to his tummy this weekend. Now he is obsessed with trying out his new skill. As soon as he is on his back, he quickly flips over to his belly, especially when placed in his crib. The only problem is that he hates being on his stomach and he seems to have completely forgotten how to roll onto his back. This has made naps and bedtimes an unpleasant situation for all those involved!

I'm amazed at how much Max has learned in the first six months of his life. In the past month he has changed so quickly. I took him to his 6 month check-up last week. I was sad to learn that he fell off the growth chart in weight (13 lbs 10 oz) and is only in the 3rd percentile for length (24.75 inches). The bright spot- his round noggin is in the 20th percentile! The doctor was not too concerned since his body is well proportioned and he is reaching developmental milestones appropriately. I'm hoping that adding in solid foods will help him gain a little faster.