Saturday, January 24, 2009

Solid Foods!

We introduced Max to solid food for the first time today. We are starting out with rice cereal that is very diluted with milk. He seemed interested in trying, but he's interested in putting just about anything in his mouth right now. I'm not convinced he swallowed anything. He still needs to learn what to do with his tongue (and to not bite the spoon). I'm posting two short videos. The lighting isn't great, but I hope you can see his reactions. I think Max was a little confused, but Jeff and I were highly entertained!

After (So proud of himself)

1 comment:

Nana said...

Totally sweet! He has the right idea; it won't take him long to figure it out. It's great that he is so willing to give this whole new activity a try. Love it. Thanks for sharing. Love you all.