Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! As I type this entry, Jeff is driving down to Miami with some friends to cheer on the Bearcats in tonight's Orange Bowl. He left last night around 10pm and I went to bed shortly after, so it was a pretty tame New Year's Eve at the Banta house! My parents are already in Miami and gearing up for the big game. Max and I are feeling a little left out, but the two of us are going to have our own party here. It's a fun day to be a Bearcat!
It's hard to believe that 2008 is behind us. It was a very exciting year for our family. One year ago today I was not even two months pregnant and so giddy with excitement that I could hardly contain myself. We had also just learned that Messer wanted Jeff to relocate And now, one year later, we have a beautiful, healthy five month old and we live in Nashville! I hope that 2009 will bring us continued health and happiness, but maybe a little less excitement!
Here are a few more pictures of Max getting ready for the Orange Bowl...
Why is there an orange in my lap?

I better put it in my mouth!

Why is Mom always taking stuff out of my mouth?

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