Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Weekend

It was a warm and sunny Easter weekend here in Franklin (sorry to make you jealous Ohioans). We spent most of the weekend outside enjoying the weather and hunting for Easter eggs. We had a neighborhood hunt on Saturday and the Easter Bunny brought eggs to hunt on Sunday. Max still loves hunting for eggs, but now the biggest enjoyment is in the candy inside the eggs. I knew it would happen!
Headed to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt.
Max's age group got to hunt for eggs on the playground. At the whistle to start the hunt, Max ran at full speed onto the playground, one of the first kids there, leaving Jeff and me way behind. When he got there he quickly scooped up two eggs into his basket, and then, he wandered. He wandered around that playground, stepping on eggs, getting side swiped by eager 2 year old hunters as if he had no clue what his purpose on Earth was. No amount of direction from us could get him to pick up another egg. It was hysterical. At the end all his little friends had 8-10 eggs, one proudly announcing that she had 16. Max had 2. Oh well, he was happy to eat his candy, put down his basket and play on the playground. Time to dye eggs.
Checking out the finished products.
This look says, "I'm touching this egg even though I've been told 27 times not to."
Easter morning picture with Daddy...
(too busy playing with new trains to look at the camera)
...and Mama.
Backyard Easter egg hunt He was totally in his element with no evidence of the cluelessness from the previous day's experience.
He had to check each one for candy and then eat the candy before putting it in the basket.
Enjoying the spoils of his labor.

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