Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween! Ribbit, Ribbit!

Max was a frog for Halloween this year and surprised us all by leaving on his costume for the entire evening. We had a fun get together at a neighbor's house before trick or treating began. Max didn't quite understand trick or treat, but he liked seeing all the decorations and kids in costume.
Heading out for a fun night.
Ditching the wagon for a faster mode of transportation. Froggy and Ladybug. This is the best picture I could get of these two! They were having too
much fun to slow down for a picture. Max walking like an Egyptian.
No, I don't know why.
Trick or Treat!
Tired froggy.
Max and I carved a jack o lantern a few days before Halloween. Here are a few pictures:
Checking out the inside of the pumpkin.
Moving in for a more thorough inspection.
"Doodness sake!"
(Max's new favorite expression)
Happy Halloween!

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