Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring in Ohio

Here are a few pictures from our most recent trip to Ohio. Max is going through a very affectionate phase and he was spreading lots of love to his relatives. He enjoyed playing with his seconds cousins and they were all very sweet to him.
Playing outside at Aunt Judy's house
Playing piano with cousin Katie.
The Sherlock boys played a game of wiffle ball and let Max join in the fun.
Max and cousin Jack.
Jack told me he would protect Max from flying wiffle balls and he took his job very seriously.
Little Leprechaun
Cousin Alex and Max
Max with his Nana and great aunts. He was too busy hugging Nana to look at the camera.
Bonding with Aunt Joanie
Before leaving Cincinnati we got to have lunch with the Banta side of the family.
Max with his favorite Godmother.
Max with Liz and Neil.
We spent a few days in Zanesville with my parents. My mom found the play table and chairs we had growing up. Max loved sitting at the table and playing with his cars.
Playing with stones has never been so fun!
Before we left Ohio we got to spend a few hours in Columbus with Jenna and her two children.
Maddy and Max "camping out."
Taking the kids for a walk to the park.
The boys weren't quite sure what to think of the situation.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A New 'Do

I took Max to get his first haircut this morning. He still doesn't have much hair, but what he did have was starting to look a little scraggly and mulletesque. We arrived a few minutes before our appointment, so I took a few quick "before" shots in the car.
One last look at the baby curls! Max sat in a big chair all by himself!
Watching a movie while getting a haircut? This is fun!
The new' do. Isn't he handsome?
Yay! He still has some curls!
Max had another first this week- a tea party. We had a play date with two little girls at a neighbor's house on Thursday. The girls are a few months younger than Max and they all played so well together.
Having tea with Lola and Katherine (not in the picture).
Moments after these sweet pictures were taken, Max threw everything off the table onto the floor and climbed on top of the table. I guess we need to work on our tea party manners.