Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gobble, Gobble!

Thanksgiving was another whirlwind weekend in Cincinnati! We packed so much into our four day visit, including the UC football game with my brothers and dad. Go Bearcats! We are so thankful that we got to spend quality time with both sets of parents and siblings. We were also able to see a lot of our extended families. Since moving to Nashville, it is much harder to get together with our aunts, uncles and cousins. Max loved saying "Hi!" to everyone and showing off all his tricks. Unfortunately I got so caught up in visiting that I didn't take many pictures, but here are a few highlights.
Grammy and Max
Playing Grammy's piano
Aunt Liz and Chloe
Uncle Daniel and Max
The Drake siblings with Max
I had to include this picture.
For many months now Max has loved the kitchen drawer where I keep the Tupperware. A few weeks ago he discovered a particularly wonderful piece of Tupperware that fits perfectly over his head. He puts it on his head and goes about his business. Jeff and I have affectionately nicknamed him "Buckethead."

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