Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Max and I met some of our playgroup friends at an adorable family owned farm to pick pumpkins this morning. Max loved playing in the corn trough, picking pumpkins and digging in the dirt.
Playing in the corn.
Max with playgroup friends.
He has no idea that he's so much smaller than all of them and he wants to be doing whatever they are doing!
Time to pick pumpkins!
I love these heirloom pumpkins.
These are Max's favorites
A boy and his stick.
Max with the pumpkins we picked.
Max never looks at the camera and when he does this is what I get.
Porch swing fun!
I had to include this picture. This is how Max feel asleep last night.
I have no idea how or why he does this to himself.

1 comment:

Nana said...

So very sweet. He sure knows how to have a good time! It must have been really fun to see him interact with all those new things.
Love the stripes.