Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Mothers' Day

Jeff and Max have made my first Mothers' Day a great day for me. I got to sleep in until 7am (which is sleeping in at our house since Max wakes up around 5:30am ) and was served a delicious breakfast in bed. Not only did Jeff cook breakfast, but he also made dinner on the grill. I love a day of no cooking! I also got a jogging stroller, which I have been wanting for awhile. I'm one lucky mom!
We had another first this weekend. Max started crawling. He's been trying for weeks and is finally figuring out how it works. Life is about to get more interesting in the Banta house! Here's a video of one of his first successful attempts.


Nana said...

Wow, he is so cute! Life will never be the same now that he is becoming so mobile. I love the swimming motions! His baby-soft knees will soon be callused. Thanks for capturing it all on film. It always makes me smile. :-)

Grammy and Grampy said...

We agree with Nana that he is so cute! It is so exciting to see him crawl on his own and be so coordinated. Grammy screamed with excitement when she saw the video. Grampy thinks his "showing him how" last weekend has something to do with it(?)! (Well maybe).Thanks also for sharing the excitement!