Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Back to Ohio

We were lucky to spend a lot of time in Ohio the last few weeks of November. We were in town for a Messer function, my friend, Carmie's wedding, and Thanksgiving. Max and I got to spend a whole week with my parents during the week of Thanksgiving. Jeff had work to do in Cincinnati, but he joined us in Zanesville for Thanksgiving day. Both of my brothers and Michael's wife, Rana, were able to come to Zanesville for Thanksgiving. This was the first time in several years that my entire family has been together at my parent's house. It was so nice to have everyone together! We also got see the extended Banta family in Indianapolis at Jeff's cousin's home for a post-Thanksgiving gathering. Max met Great-Grandma Banta for the first time. He is so lucky to have two great-grandmas! Unfortunately, Great-Grandma Banta had a bad cold, so she didn't get to hold Max, but Max enjoyed meeting her. It was wonderful to be back and spend quality time with all of our family.
Yesterday Max went to the doctor for his four month check up. He is finally on the growth chart! He now weighs 11lbs. 12oz. and is 23.5 in long. He is in the 3rd percentile for weight and 5th for height. I was hoping he would weigh more, but we are making progress. He is in the 20th percentile for head circumference- the Drake genes are shining through!
Here are some pictures from our time in Ohio.
Chatting with Grammy

With second cousin Anne Marie

With Great Aunt Judy

With Michael and Rana

Napping with Aunt Rana

Napping with Papa

Playing with Great Grandma Mary

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