Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Little Man on Campus

Yesterday Max and I met Jeff at Vanderbilt to check out the campus. Jeff wanted to see the campus and medical center because Messer is hoping to get a project with Vanderbilt. I couldn't pass up the chance to get out on such a warm, sunny day in November. The campus is really gorgeous. It is actually an arboretum, so the trees were amazing in their full autumn color. Max slept in his stroller for most of the trip, but he woke up right as we were walking to the car so Jeff snapped this picture of us near a random building. This picture does not all reflect the beauty of Vanderbilt's campus, but it does capture Max doing his new favorite thing- sticking out his tongue! It must feel good on his gums, because he does it a lot. He looks like a little lizard.
Jeff is not yet on a specific project. He is currently working out of Messer's office near downtown. He works on several different projects and is still wrapping up a few loose ends at NKU. I am hoping that once he does get put on a job that it will be an easy commute for him. However, Messer has projects all over middle Tennessee and southern Kentucky, so he could potentially be on a project that is over an hour away from our house. Right now it takes him 30-40 minutes to get to work, which has been an adjustment from the 20 minute drive he was used to in Cincinnati. I am so thankful that Messer doesn't seem to be greatly effected by the unstable economy. In fact, they are hiring more people for the Nashville market, which is such a good sign.
This weekend Liz and Neil will be visiting us, so we will have another exciting weekend!

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