Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Father's Day was spent at home hanging out this year. Max is so lucky to have a daddy that will play trains and cars for long periods of time with him because his mama gets really tired of it after about 5 minutes! Here are a few pictures of Jeff and Max spending some quality time together.

Indulging in one of Max's specialities....
and one of Jeff's.
"Can I knock it down, Mama?"
 This is certainly Max's favorite part of the building process.

*Thank you for ignoring/ not judging our messy, bare walled playroom!

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Morning in the Garden

Max and I spent the morning at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens. Max loved running through the paths and stopping to check out fountains, streams and waterfalls. The highlight of the trip was the train exhibit. I have a feeling we'll be making a trip back just for the trains.

Water Garden
Pointing out the fountain.
This was a really peaceful space....until Max arrived.
 For some people this water garden might be an ideal place for quiet reflection.
For Max it was an excellent place to play with matchbox cars.

This is his excited face.
And it's as close as I could get of a picture of him looking at the camera.
 Getting a close look at the stream.
Checking out the trains. He wanted to touch them so badly!
He loves to look at things right at eye level!
Observing the Japanese Garden