Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Family Reunions

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Cincinnati. We were so lucky to be able to spend time with all of Jeff's family and my family. Michael and Rana even braved a plane ride with the twins! It was so much fun spending time in a city that we love surrounded by all of the most important people in our lives.
I had to take Max to Ault Park!
He loved the steps and fountain.
"It's a waterfall!"

We had a picnic with Jeff's family on Saturday. Max and Chloe always have so much fun together.
Max and Aunt Liz, or as she is affectionately called, Aunt Whizz.
Eating chips is obviously more important than smiling for the camera.
Two thirds of the pregnant Bantas.
All three of us are due within 3 months of each other!
On Sunday we had a party on the Drake side welcoming the twins.
They were quite the hit!
Baby John Michael
Baby Olivia
 Brushing up on my bottle feeding skills.
Max loved the babies. He was very interested in them and kept saying "Aww, so cute!"
HOWEVER, he definitely kept checking to make sure Nana and Papa didn't forget about him!
Happy baby. Happy Nana.
 Ahhh, sleeping baby.
Can't wait to have my own baby boy in a few months!

John Michael x 2
Happy family
Proud parents and grandparents
I had hoped to get a picture of the whole Drake family or one of Max with the twins, but taking a picture involving two babies and one toddler proved to be impossible. Maybe next time!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Big Brother

Max is going to be a big brother! Our BABY BOY is due in October.
We couldn't be happier!

We are now taking name suggestions- for both the baby and the blog!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Celebrating Mother's Day with my favorite little boy!