Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What We've Been Up To...

Wow, I cannot believe it is February already! January was a crazy busy month for me and I haven't had time to update the blog. I recently trained and became certified to teach pre and post natal fitness classes. I work for a company called Stroller Strides and I am still a novice, but loving every minute of the teaching and interacting with fellow moms! On top of that training, Max and I fit in a quick trip to San Antonio to visit Michael and Rana. Jeff and I also began the gargantuan task of renovating our bonus room. Here are a few pictures from our trip to San Antonio as well as a visit to the local fire station with our playgroup friends.
Ready for take off!
Max was so excited to be in an airplane and loved looking out window at all the trucks and equipment. Thankfully he fell asleep shortly after take off on both legs of the trip!
Max LOVED hanging out at Uncle Michael and Aunt Rana's house. He was a fireball of energy the entire time we were there. I think that the dog and cat were happy when we left!
Max and Michael We attended a wonderful baby shower for Michael and Rana hosted by their friends. It was such a treat to celebrate with them. We can't wait to meet the twins! Rana was such a good sport wearing that tiara!
Dad, Michael and Me
How sweet is this cake?
One last (partial) family photo before we had to leave.
We visited a local firestation with friends a few weeks ago. Once again, Max was so excited he could hardly contain himself.
Inside the fire engine.
All the boys were highly entertained by this flashlight.
Ready for duty.