Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

The tree has been taken down and the decorations have been tucked away until next Christmas. It was a really fun Christmas season in our house. Max got into the joy and magic of the holiday. It was wonderful to experience it with him. We even got a bit of snow on Christmas to really add to the magical feel of the day. Max is pretty easy to please in the present department- if it has wheels, it's a winner. His big gift was a train table and Jeff built a track for it. Max was in awe when he first saw it and has played with it for hours upon hours. Here are a few pictures from the big day...
Showing off his special new toy (and Daddy's special toy- our new TV).
Playing with a new match box car.
That is a look of satisfaction!
Christmas Dinner- in jammies!
Max got a set of watercolors in his stocking and he tried them out for the first time on New Year's Day.
(Once again in penguin jammies. Who doesn't love to hang out in jammies all day?)
The finished masterpiece.