Saturday, September 3, 2011

Big Boy

September is only a few days old, but it has already been a big month for Max. He started preschool last week which is just so hard for me to believe. He was very excited to go to school, I think, mainly because he wanted to finally use his Thomas the Train book bag and froggie lunch box. The morning of his first day he could hardly contain his excitement. However, when we were waiting outside the school to go in he started to get a little nervous. When I dropped him off at his classroom he was like a deer in headlights. His teacher said that he adjusted quickly and had a great day. It was such an odd feeling to drop him off. He is pretty much my little shadow and goes just about everywhere with me- errands, doctor appointments, the bathroom... So, as weird as it was to not have my shadow, it was also very nice to have some time to get things done by myself. Who knew going to TJ Maxx could be so much fun? It is when you don't have a screaming, complaining, goldfish eating 3 year old with you!
Here are some before school pictures:
Looking at the camera and smiling!
 I guess this is his scholarly pose
 "Say cheese!"

This afternoon we took Max to a Thomas the Train event. Did I mention that it is 100 degrees? And I'm 34 weeks pregnant. Not my most favorite combination of factors for an enjoyable day. Jeff said it best when he said, "It was memorable."  Max definitely enjoyed himself- as much as you can enjoy anything in the blistering sun and heat.  There were Thomas themed activities and then the big train ride. I was really looking forward to what I thought was going to be an air conditioned 25 minute train ride. The train was air conditioned- barely. It was better that being in the sun, but that's not saying much.  The important thing is that Max enjoyed his first train ride. Watching his reaction to it all made it worth all of my discomfort.

Playing at a train table.

In line to ride Thomas. Those pink cheeks say it all.

 All aboard!

 The highlight of the event was finally getting up close with Thomas!

After we got home, out of the blue, Max said, "Momma was too big for Thomas." So true.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Beach Bums

We have just returned from a fabulous Drake family vacation at Folly Beach in Charleston, South Carolina. We stayed in the same beautiful house that we stayed at two years ago, and with two more babies it was quite a full, action packed house! Between baby cuteness and toddler craziness, there was never a dull moment. We had super hot weather (heat indexes between 110-115), so we were lucky to be just steps from the ocean. It was a relaxing week and went way too fast!

First things first- checking out the beach

 Trying to decide if he likes it..
 Maybe not.
In fact, he was terrified and spent most of his week under the beach canopy fretting about the water getting too close and wanting everyone to stay in the shade with him.
 Beach babies!
 Building sand castles with daddy.
 Race cars in the sand.
 Stopping to check out a "trolley bus" in downtown Charleston.

 Olivia and Michael.
She knew how to smile for the camera!

 Nana and Papa with the twins.
 Happy grandparents!
 Nana and John Michael
LOVE those cheeks!
 Our best attempt at a happy family picture...
 John Michael squared
 Hanging on the beach
 Dynamic Duo
 After several days of canopy confinement, we convinced Max to splash around in a tide pool. You know, because playing around a bunch of slippery, jagged rocks is much safer than playing in the ocean.

 Making a mad dash for the canopy.
 Distracted by tire tracks. Such a boy!
 Where Drake men are gathered, cigars will be found.
 Max wanted to snuggle on the couch with his cousins. Luckily, they are very good sports!

 Max letting us know how old he is.
 Max made good use of natural sunblock- a thick layer of sand.

 Max FINALLY went into the ocean on our last day. Jeff basically just said, "We're going in and you're going to like it." And he did!

Telling Daddy all about going in the water. 
 Taking one last dip with Papa, Daddy and Daniel.
The next time we are all together there will be one more baby in the picture!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Max is 3!

Max turned the big 3 yesterday. His one request was a Finding Nemo cake which he got to share with friends at the pool. Once Jeff got home the present opening began along with another round of cake and ice cream. He had a fun day and now loves to tell people that he is "free!"

Ready for cake at the pool!
 Frosting mustache
 Opening a special package from Grammy and Grampy.
 Taking a closer look at his I Spy puzzle.
 Make a wish!
 Thoroughly enjoying himself!
 More presents!
A new race car to add to his massive collection.
 Trying out his new baseball bat.
 Batting practice
 *It's hard to read in the picture but Max's shirt says Made in Ohio. So cute! Thanks Neil and Liz!

 Max's big present was a play kitchen/market.
We put it together after he went to bed so he got to try it out for the first time this morning. 
  This is what he cooked up for me.
 Breakfast of champions!