Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

The child is nestled all snug in his bed....... Jeff and I just finished playing Santa and can't wait to see Max's reaction in the morning. It is SO much fun being Santa! Here are a few pictures of some of our Christmas Eve traditions....
Our Advent calendar.
Max loved doing this every morning. He especially loved the camels.
Getting ready to decorate sugar cookies.
Max had just woken up from his nap and he was still holding his blankie.
It's so hard not to lick your fingers....
Of course, I had to let him eat the one and only cookie he decorated.
Notice the pinky. He's so refined.
It's a tradition in the Drake family to make one "toxic waste" cookie with all of the sprinkles.
This one's for you, Michael.
Putting cookies and milk by the fireplace for Santa before tucking in for the night.
Reading before bed.
" Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Baby, it's cold outside!

Brrr! We were hit with a blast of frigid wind and snow yesterday. With wind chills below zero this morning, I was hesitant to let Max play outside, but he was literally crying at the window to get out in the snow. He surprised me by happily putting on mittens and a hat (and leaving them on!). And the added bonus was that he looked at the camera and said, "cheese!" when I took his picture. If only he was always this agreeable......
This was my attempt at building Max a snowman with the very little, very powdery snow that we had. He doesn't look too impressed, does he? Cold cheeks!