Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Fun

Max and I spent the morning at Gentry Farm with friends from our neighborhood. We had a lot of rain last night so the farm was pretty muddy, but that didn't slow down Max. I put him in his snow boots from last winter and he wasn't quite used to walking, ahem, running in them, so there was lots and lots of tripping. All in all it was a very fun adventure. Here are a few of the highlights:
Off and running!
Farmer Max
Saying hi to the goats.
Last Friday a fire engine stopped by our Stroller Strides class and Max had a blast exploring every inch of that truck.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

An Afternoon at Arrington

My parents were in town this week and we took advantage of a gorgeous fall afternoon by picnicking at Arrington Vineyards.
Playing among the grapevines.
Taking a rare water break with Pa. What is better than playing with sticks? Playing with two enormous sticks.

Jeff's Birthday

Here are a few pictures from Jeff's birthday last week:
Cupcakes are hard to resist!
Make a wish! Max loved Daddy's birthday cupcakes.
I couldn't resist taking a picture of the yummy meal I made.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Morning at the Pumpkin Farm

I took Max to a pumpkin farm yesterday with friends from our playgroup. When we arrived I realized that my camera's battery was dead. Luckily I have some very sweet friends who took some pictures of Max for me. Max was a boy in constant motion, so taking his picture was no easy task!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Tour de Nashville

My brother, Michael, visited us in Nashville for the first time since we moved here. We had fun showing him around our favorite spots in Nashville and Franklin and exploring a few places we haven't been before. Max, of course, loved having his uncle around and sometimes called him "Michael Wichael" which I think may mean "Uncle Michael." We spent one beautiful fall morning at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens which is currently displaying amazing glass work by the artist Chihuly. The artwork and gardens were gorgeous. Max was thoroughly entertained and did not once look at the camera as you will see.
Wait up, Michael!
Japanese Water Garden
The Sun
Checking out a fountain.
We spent another morning at Centennial Park which is home to The Parthenon, a full scale rendition of the actual Parthenon in Greece.
Saying hi to the geese and ducks.
Climbing the stairs to The Parthenon.
Lots of places to run!
P.S. For both excursions Max insisted on carrying a car in each hand and could not be convinced that not carrying a car in each hand might be more enjoyable.