Monday, June 21, 2010

An Appalachian Vacation

Max and I spent a week in Zanesville with my parents. Here are a few of the highlights:
Playing outside.
Pool time!
The following pictures will be saved for use during Max's teenage years. I got to indulge in some of my favorite Zanesville delights including ice cream at Tom's.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gone Fishin'

Jeff and his dad went fishing when we were in Cincinnati. Max had fun watching, but he has a few things to learn about the sport, such as, the importance of being quiet and calm.
Checking out daddy's big catch.
This is what happens when you tell an almost two year old he is not allowed to do something, like jump in a lake.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ault Park

On our most recent trip to Cincinnati Max and I had some time to ourselves so I wanted to show him some of my favorite spots. We spent time in Ault Park, had dinner at Zip's and dessert at Graeter's. Max hardly ate anything, but I certainly enjoyed my comfort food! Here are some pictures from the time we spent at Ault Park. This park has a special place in my heart since we lived down the street from it and spent so much time there. And of course, it is where Jeff and I got engaged, so this is a memorable spot!
Max stopped for a moment to check out the scene and then he was off and running.
The fountain at Ault Park
We climbed up and down these stairs many, many times and since Max loves to count, we had to count each step as we went. There are 40, in case you wondered.
Checking out the views
Back up the steps, this time with a stick.
Max loved watching the water.
Stopping to "read" a plaque. He gets that trait from Papa Drake.