Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Trip to the Fire Station

In honor of Fire Safety Month, I organized an outing for our playgroup to a local fire station. The kids were a little timid at first, but the fire fighters were very friendly and it didn't take long for them to start climbing all over the fire trucks and asking the fire fighters lots of questions.
Max let one of the firemen pick him up and put him on a seat in the rescue truck. I really cannot believe that Max is big enough to do this stuff! He looks so little sitting up there, but also so grownup!
Max was all over the place. He loved exploring the fire station. I took tons of pictures, but most of them came out blurry because Max didn't stand still for very long!
So proud of himself!
Our attempt at taking a group photo.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Walk in the Woods

With temperatures in the low 60s, clear blue skies and the sun shining brightly, Jeff, Max, Maggie and I headed out for a hike on a portion of the Natchez Trace Scenic Trail. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day to enjoy a long walk among Fall's beautiful colors. The trail we hiked was wooded and crisscrossed a beautiful (very chilly) stream.
Hitting the trail.
Enjoying the scenery, refusing to look at the camera.
Crossing the stream.
My turn to carry Max.
He was very excited to play with my hair.
Letting Max stretch his legs at the end of the trail.
At the end of the trail there was a fenced in horse pasture.
The horses were very interested in us.
Max wasn't sure what to think of them.
The trail that we hiked is popular with hikers and horseback riders.
The Banta family horse.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just in Case We Forgot That We Live in the South..

This was parked outside of a restaurant we went to last night in the sleepy little town of Leiper's Fork.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jeff's Birthday

On Wednesday, Max and I helped Jeff celebrate his 22nd birthday (Jeff has been celebrating his 22nd birthday for many, many years now).
Helping Daddy open gifts.
Jeff's main gift was this backpack child carrier. It's been a rainy fall in Nashville, but we're hoping the weather cooperates so that we can try it out this week.
Birthday cupcakes before...
... and after.
It was a chilly day today, but the sun was finally shining. We took advantage of the perfect fall day and decided to start a fire in our fire pit, put cider on the stove and have a little wiener roast.
Playing in the backyard.
Helping Daddy roast the perfect hot dog.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Max and I met some of our playgroup friends at an adorable family owned farm to pick pumpkins this morning. Max loved playing in the corn trough, picking pumpkins and digging in the dirt.
Playing in the corn.
Max with playgroup friends.
He has no idea that he's so much smaller than all of them and he wants to be doing whatever they are doing!
Time to pick pumpkins!
I love these heirloom pumpkins.
These are Max's favorites
A boy and his stick.
Max with the pumpkins we picked.
Max never looks at the camera and when he does this is what I get.
Porch swing fun!
I had to include this picture. This is how Max feel asleep last night.
I have no idea how or why he does this to himself.