Monday, September 21, 2009

Little Walker

Just this weekend Max started getting really good at walking. He can now pull himself up from sitting without holding onto anything. He still trips over the carpet and loses his balance easily, but I am so fascinated at how quickly his walking abilities are progressing. Max makes little high pitched noises a lot which you can hear in this video.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Walking and Talking (sort of!)

Right now Max is trying very hard to walk and talk. He is taking steps, but not quite walking. When he tries to walk he looks like a bit like a member of a marching band who has had too much to drink! Max has quite a lot to say these days. He is constantly babbling and making noises to interact with us. His only word at the moment is "hi" and he loves to use it. This is a short clip of him saying "hi" and taking a few steps.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Here are some pictures from this weekend. We spent the weekend doing things around town and spending quality time at home.
Max is very proud of his stair climbing abilities!
Helping Mom in the kitchen.
Max loves opening drawers and cabinets and pulling everything out of them!
Hanging out at the Franklin Jazz Festival.
This boy knows how to relax!
The Franklin Classic with Stroller Strides.
Max and I did the 4k walk.
Watching football with Daddy.
Go Bearcats!