Tuesday, May 26, 2009


After a mostly rainy Memorial Day weekend, the sun finally came out on Monday afternoon. We took advantage of the warm sun and headed out back with some bubbles.

I love this picture!

We are leaving tomorrow for a trip to Ohio. This will be the last blog posting for a couple of weeks. I'll have lots to share once we return.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Zoo Baby

Max and I took our first trip to the zoo today. We went with friends from playgroup, Katie and Garrett. Max is always entertained by new places and experiences, so he was a very happy zoo baby. However, I think Max spent more time watching Garrett, 2, run around and climb on things than he did looking at the animals. There was a petting zoo area with goats, donkeys and llamas. Max learned in a very up close and personal way that llamas spit. Luckily it was just grass and not much saliva! Although Max certainly enjoyed his trip to the zoo, I think it will be another year or two before he can really appreciate all that the zoo has to offer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Paper Boy

Max loves all things paper. Here are some pictures of him exploring this fascinating material. (Luckily he has yet to discover toilet paper!)
Reading the newspaper

Going through the mail

Relaxing with a magazine

Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Mothers' Day

Jeff and Max have made my first Mothers' Day a great day for me. I got to sleep in until 7am (which is sleeping in at our house since Max wakes up around 5:30am ) and was served a delicious breakfast in bed. Not only did Jeff cook breakfast, but he also made dinner on the grill. I love a day of no cooking! I also got a jogging stroller, which I have been wanting for awhile. I'm one lucky mom!
We had another first this weekend. Max started crawling. He's been trying for weeks and is finally figuring out how it works. Life is about to get more interesting in the Banta house! Here's a video of one of his first successful attempts.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Playgroup at the Park

We finally had a rain-free day yesterday. Our playgroup that meets every Tuesday decided to take advantage of the short-lived change in weather and head to the park. Max loved the swings!