Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

I've been told that it has been too long since last updating the blog :) We've had a busy couple of weeks with visitors in from out of town and a trip to Ohio. Two weekends ago Jeff's grandmother and uncle stopped at our house on their way home from Florida. It was wonderful to see them and such a treat for Max to spend time with Great Grandma Banta, who turned 90 this year.

That same weekend, Max, Jeff and I also particapted in the March of Dimes March for Babies. It was a really rainy, yucky day, but we waterproofed everything as best we could and toughed it out. Although Max was not technically premature and he did not face many of the medical challenges that most babies do with a low birth weight, I still strongly support the cause of the March of Dimes. The struggles that we did face with Max's birth and the following months really opened my eyes to the need for research in the area of premature birth and low birth weight.

This past weekend Max and I flew to Ohio to spend some time with my parents. Flying with Max proved to be much more difficult this time. You know how almost everytime you fly there is a mother and a baby by themselves and the baby is being wild and cranky and no amount of food, toys or singing seems to make him happy and the mother has a desperate "Please help me, God." look in her eyes? Well, that was Max and I on our flight from Columbus to Nashville. Luckily, it's only an hour flight. Although the traveling was not too fun, we had a great time in Zanesville. We even got to visit with my long time friend, Jenna and her family, including new baby, Henry. Here are a few of the highlights from our trip.

Max and Maddy, Jenna's daughterHanging out with Papa
Taking a walk with Nana
A visit with Great Grandma Mary

Cruising around Nana and Papa's house

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Max's First Easter

Well, I figured out my camera problem. Apparently, it is important to reformat the memory card frequently. My camera is at least four years old, and I've never reformatted the memory card, ever. My card basically just quit working. I was able to retrieve some of the pictures from Easter, but not all of them.
Anyway.... Max, Jeff, and I had a fun Easter here in Nashville. It was just the three of us, so it was kind of quiet, but nice. We colored eggs on Saturday, went to church on Sunday and, of course, the Easter Bunny brought Max a basket. Jeff and I enjoyed sharing these Easter traditions with Max.

New church clothes!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Technical Difficulties

I am having some major camera issues. Hopefully I can get them figured out and post pictures from Max's first Easter. Check back later!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Max's Language

This is a video depicting Max's current level of self-expression. Very profound.....