Monday, October 27, 2008

Our First Visitors

This weekend Jeff's parents came to visit us and see our new place. On Saturday afternoon we went to the Franklin Pumpkin Festival. Max had the most comfortable seat in town! We had great weather all weekend and loved being with family. We can't wait for more visitors!
Max also turned three months old this weekend. He is certainly growing up!
Who's excited for the Pumpkin Fest?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tummy Time

Here is a video of Max doing some tummy time. In general, Max can only handle a few minutes of tummy time before he starts screaming. So this was a rare occasion for him to actually enjoy being on the boppy. He is getting so strong and gaining more control over his neck and head. Max's current fascination is with ceiling fans. He can lay on our bed or in his crib and stare at the ceiling fan for a good 2o minutes. I have to admit that I totally take advantage of that ceiling fan so that I can get a few chores done! Max seems to be adjusting well to life in Nashville. He goes with me on lots of errands and he is a real hit with everyone we meet. Unfortunately, car rides are the only time that I can guarantee that Max will fall asleep and stay asleep for more than 20 minutes. We still aren't getting much sleep around here, but everyone keeps telling me that it will get better. I am so grateful to be staying home with him. This is a hard job, but spending so much time with him and watching his personality develop is so worth it!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good-bye Heekin House...

Whew, what a week! Last Monday the movers came and packed up our little house on Heekin Avenue. It was hard to say good-bye to that house because of all the hard work we put into it and we have many fond memories there. But, now we are getting settled into our house in Franklin, Tennessee. We moved in on Friday. There are still boxes everywhere and there is so much to do, but I'm trying not to stress about it too much. Maggie is slowly adjusting. She spent the first two days trying to find the perfect place to hide. At one point, Jeff found her buried under a giant hosta plant in the back yard. After a few nice long walks and some scolding for constantly trying to hide in the bathroom behind the toilet, she is starting to calm down and feel at home. Our neighbors are incredibly friendly. Everyone has introduced themselves and we even got a huge plate of cookies from one neighbor. All the neighbors seem to know each other really well and do lots of things together. We've already been invited to a neighbor's house on Halloween night for a chili potluck before the kids go trick-or-treating. It's nice to know that everyone looks out for each other here since we are starting out knowing no one! I'm going to have start scouting out babysitters for Max. I don't look forward to leaving him with someone other than family, but I know that some day I will have to. There are lots of kids in the neighborhood, so I'm sure I can get a recommendation for a great babysitter when that time comes. I will try to post updates more often now that we are more settled.